Too Bad To Be True (or Dear Ray Ozzie: IE8 can’t handle Windows Live)

Yesterday, while walking from launch, my freind Amnon David (the creator of jNext) told me that IE8 doesn’t work on

Since IE8 release gained lots of credit by JavaScript Hackers (John Resig and many more), therefore, I couldn’t believe it until I saw it in my own eyes.

Plain and simple, the site is broken. Icons, texts, menus are overlapping each other.

Everyone can see now that every piece of DHTML code must be written twice, once for all the browsers, and then specifically for IE.

The unbearable lightness of releasing buggy software at MS is shocking.

The results are deployed here in front of your eyes.

IE8 default mode Ie8

IE 8 emulating IE7

Emulated IE7

Firefox 3 Beta 3


Huge Elements in Firefox 3 beta 3 on Ubuntu

If you just installed firefox 3 beta 3 on ubuntu (sudo apt-get install firefox-3.0), you may came across this issue where all elements are huge (toolbars, text, icons, etc.)

In order to fix it at address line go to about:config (and promise to be careful ;-)) and set layout.css.dpi to 96.