My New Venture (

I have been quite busy lately, ever since I have started working on Reblaze in the winter last year (2011).

We all wish to make the world (wide web) a better place. I think we have found a way to improve the web, to make it a better, safer and cleaner.

I guess we can be categorized under the SaaS tag, in fact, we are SaaS x2, we provide Software as a Service, as well as Security as a Service.

Visit us at and read all about, as well as add your site, it is free now, and so it will remain for all those who join during public beta.

HotKeys jQuery Plug-In version 0.7 is out

Last night I released a new comprehenced version of jshotkeys. This plugin lets you easily add and remove handlers for keyboard events anywhere in your code supporting almost any key combination.
For example, to bind Ctrl+C to a function fn simply type:

$(document).bind('keydown', 'Ctrl+c', fn);

See the live demo.

jQuery vs. Prototype

just put both libraries on wordle to visualize on which each library have focused.

Here are the results:




prototype visualized

Choosing the right (open-source) tools

From the announcement of the open source reddit:

There are only five of us who work on reddit; we couldn’t have made this site if it weren’t for a great community of developers. In no particular order, here’s a quick list of the open source products that reddit is built and runs upon: Debian, lighttpd, HAProxy, PostgreSQL, Slony-I, various python libraries, Psychopg, pylons, Solr, Tomcat, Ganglia, Mercurial, Git, gettext (translation), daemontools, and memcached.

Five people. 1,000,000’s of pages every day.

Do we need more facebok applications?

My friend has 73 friends and 152 Facebook applications.
IMHO, the layout is lack of usability and functionality.
Let alone the fact each application require other users to install them in to their accounts in order to view standard web content (images, flash, videos, etc.)

I am sure Facebook’s dudes need to rethink the whole concept and come up with something more sensible.

152 facebook applications

def grab_contacts(ask_for_password = 0)

stefan fountain -> coding horror -> hacker news

Jeff – here are the links for you:

Google Contacts API:
Yahoo! Contact API:
Windows Live Contact API:

I’m glad these malpractices are getting more attention, they deserve to get the bad wrap on their wrist for these kind of infringements of respecting users’ data.

Stefan Fountain on June 5, 2008 05:37 AM

Too Bad To Be True (or Dear Ray Ozzie: IE8 can’t handle Windows Live)

Yesterday, while walking from launch, my freind Amnon David (the creator of jNext) told me that IE8 doesn’t work on

Since IE8 release gained lots of credit by JavaScript Hackers (John Resig and many more), therefore, I couldn’t believe it until I saw it in my own eyes.

Plain and simple, the site is broken. Icons, texts, menus are overlapping each other.

Everyone can see now that every piece of DHTML code must be written twice, once for all the browsers, and then specifically for IE.

The unbearable lightness of releasing buggy software at MS is shocking.

The results are deployed here in front of your eyes.

IE8 default mode Ie8

IE 8 emulating IE7

Emulated IE7

Firefox 3 Beta 3


Is Facebook the next Microsoft?

I just came across this post by Robert Scoble

If you are trying to contact me on Facebook, please don’t. My account has been “disabled” for breaking Facebook’s Terms of Use. I was running a script that got them to keep me from accessing my account. I’m appealing. I’ll tell you what I was doing as soon as I talk with the developers who built what I was using and as soon as I talk with Facebook’s support (I sent an email in reply to the one below, but haven’t heard back yet).

I am working with a company to move my social graph to other places and that isn’t allowable under Facebook’s terms of service.

While they wrote their own screen scrappers Your addressbook and facebookso they can read all your contacts and friends that stored in the addresses books at gmail or hotmail or, and many others. They blocked Robert Scoble’s account for running a script that (as far as I can read between the lines) exports his own friends list.

It is pretty clear now why Facebook preferred to go along with Microsoft instead of Google.
It is even more clear why they don’t join open social.
I can see what they thought at the first place when they released that cursed Beacon, and I don’t buy the apologizes that came after the rush.

Here is a short description of [Windows|Facebook] (you choose) platform.

  • It is a closed source system that comes with a set of APIs, which let third parties develop new applications.
  • If a user wants to use a third party application he must install that application.
  • If a user decided to uninstall a third party software.
  • When a user run the uninstall process, most of the data might remain in the system.
  • You never know who has access to your private data.

New Version for JS HotKeys

I finally was able to fix a few minor bugs and compile a new version of my js-hotkeys module. Get your copy now (tar.gz || zip)

Js-Hotkeys is a jQuery plugin that lets you easily add and remove handlers for keyboard events anywhere in your code supporting almost any key combination.

Read more at:
Live demo at:

Getting things right vs. Getting things done

Most of today’s web developer will tell you that

the following:

<h2 id="foo">Click Here</h2>
    $('foo').click = function(){alert("Hello")};

is better than:

<h2 id="foo" onclick="alert('Hello');">Click Here</h2>

and the following:


        new Image().src='/images/nav_logo3.png';

is far better than:

<body bgcolor=#ffffff
onload="sf();if(document.images){new Image().src='/images/nav_logo3.png'}"
topmargin=3 marginheight=3>....</body>

and last but not least: Using HTML tables for layout-ing is evil.

The point is that the code above is taken from Google, Facebook and Yahoo.
Yep! All the majors seems to be caring less on standards and more for their own interests.

None of them are valid HTML and uses a table to align the two buttons (Google Search and I’m felling Lucky) in the middle of the page.