HotKeys jQuery Plug-In version 0.7 is out

Last night I released a new comprehenced version of jshotkeys. This plugin lets you easily add and remove handlers for keyboard events anywhere in your code supporting almost any key combination.
For example, to bind Ctrl+C to a function fn simply type:

$(document).bind('keydown', 'Ctrl+c', fn);

See the live demo.

Choosing the right (open-source) tools

From the announcement of the open source reddit:

There are only five of us who work on reddit; we couldn’t have made this site if it weren’t for a great community of developers. In no particular order, here’s a quick list of the open source products that reddit is built and runs upon: Debian, lighttpd, HAProxy, PostgreSQL, Slony-I, various python libraries, Psychopg, pylons, Solr, Tomcat, Ganglia, Mercurial, Git, gettext (translation), daemontools, and memcached.

Five people. 1,000,000’s of pages every day.

The Winner Takes It All doesn’t work anymore, even for Microsoft

Microsoft interoperability announcement is a significant switch and a remarkable milestone onto the way to make the world of software an open, standardized  and perhaps free as well. Especially regarding the IE8 default behavior.

Read more at:

I have said in the past that IE would eventually become an open source browser and so it would. I believe  that by the year of 2013 .NET, IE and perhaps more products from Microsoft would be become open source projects.

There is no other way to keep your top rank in any business  than being the best, by all means. Ever since the world of software have realized the the best way to write a software if the open-source way, Microsoft would have to join this principles in order to survive. The fact that more and more developers are switching to free and open-source tools, languages and platforms and barely the vice versa is the only fact that counts in the long run.