
I am trying to find my way in the open-source world. So far, for almost a decade, I did all kind of projects mostly database-driven applications, all using Microsoft tools running on Microsoft servers and desktops.

Even though I was generally satisfied with my achievements, I coudn’t ignore this growing community of smart people who twist their face when they heard the term such as Microsoft, Windows and Internet Explorer. I didn’t understand what they want from Bill Gates, and why can’t they allow a man to be the richest man on earth by selling software.

For long time I was looking for the environment that will help me switch from the MS world to the Unix world. I couldn’t stand the fact that Java will be my .NET replacement and therefore I postponed the switching until I discover Python which made me falling in love with my profession again.

I use web.py for web applications and can tell clearly that it is much better than any web platform I’ve ever seen.

Every day I am learning new things, troubleshoot others, so I’ll try to put here whatever I believe would be helpful for others.

8 Comments on “About”

  1. daddyboy says:

    Your capture keypress hotkey thing, I checked with FF/IE, atleast alt+tab doesn’t capture but the box for it is there.

  2. @daddyboy
    That is because the operating system never ‘tells’ browser about it but handling it as switching between windows. It is there because the test script is generated automatically making all those combinations.

  3. daddyboy says:

    um. I thought you can plow. Browser isn’t taking over the pc for doing this; it is not a security issue for the pc. Calling preventdefault won’t work? but must be a way out.

  4. bibomedia says:


  5. Nilesh says:


    I tried your Jquery hotkeys 0.79 and it doesn’t work properly with FF3. It opens new tab or Find (Search Box) if i press Ctrl+t and Ctrl+F respectively.

    e.preventDefault(); doesn’t work. Is there any way to make it work with FF3?

    Awaiting your response..

  6. Thainan Frota says:


    I wonder if there is a solution for working with jQuery half Mask in conjunction with jQuery Hotkeys.
    I am te asking this because there is a lack of compatibility when both are on the same page.

    Thainan Frota.

  7. Thainan Frota says:


    I sent an e-mail to you yesterday, when possible look!

  8. Ashutosh says:


    I invite you to join community driven Linux blog at LinuxAthena.com
    Kindly spare some time to check it and share your knowledge.


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